Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The first time's always the worst...

Remember back to that awkward age where all you could think about was how good you'd be in the sack...that is, once you actually started having sex. Do you have sex with an ugly girl first just so when you land that perfect 10, she doesn't leave you cuz you're worse between the sheets than McLovin? Do you hold out and make your first time magical, with the person you really want to be with? Do you pay for someone to teach you? There's really no right or wrong answer, just strong opinions and bad memories. Let's just agree that a little practice before the main event is definitely a good thing.

Aaaaaaaand this is the exact reason I've started writing. I know I'm going to want to keep everyone updated once I've made the move to Los Angeles, but I've never blogged before. So like the young virgin we all once were, I'm going to ease into it, take my time, test the ground before gameday. So you (probably the only person who will ever read this blog) is going to get a few months worth of dirt before I leave.

The other reason I started writing is because 2:50am is way too early to go to bed and I needed something to keep myself occupied!

I was sent this picture from the lovely Krissy Spriggs the other night (it's from a [not-so-great] camera phone, hence the lowwww quality). All you need to know is that it's a pic of the Hollywood name-in-the-hills-thingy *self note - I really gotta figure out what that's called!* Anyways, this is where I will be calling home very soon (hint - Jack Johnson's birthday). And between Krissy and I's conversation and her vaca in the Hollywood Hills this week, I think she's about to move back there, too!

Got lots to do! Have a whole notebook full of pages of checklists of things to get done before I leave. And since it's just about 3am, I don't feel like doing any of them! I'm excited about this whole blog thingggg, so I'll cut it off here and write/post once I have some juicy pics/event details to let everyone know about! Til the next time...
