Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My jobs!

Sorry for the long time in between posts! So much has been going on (in a good way!). Workin hard just to stay afloat of rent & bills, as well as putting in lots of hours building the cornerstone of a real career. It's tough, but it's what I came here for! So if any of you are wondering where I've been working, here are my 3 current jobs:

Hit The Ground Running
HTGR is an amazing music supervision company. Music supervisors help place music into TV shows, movies, documentaries, etc. They work with music editors, composers, the finance & legal departments of studios, soundtrack producers, artist management, record labels...basically, the liason putting together the music to the screen! We've got lots of new shows, pilots, documentaries & projects coming up, keeps me busy!
Check the website: HTGR.net . Also, our blog: @SEEN . Word .

Central Casting
I've been doing some extra work out here! To this point, I've been a "background player" on HBO's Entourage, USA's Monk, and a short film Daughter's Keeper. Long hours, not a lot of money, close brushes with stars, lots of networking, its a tough but sometimes very rewarding!

Outback Steakhouse
Yeah, gotta pay rent.


cool LA pic #1
this was taken from my phone on the set of Entourage...it's the boys' Rolls Royce, E's Maserati & Ari's Lexus Hybrid