Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lovin Summer!

Looks like its been another full month between blog posts. Well, I do believe that's a better thing than you seeing me post everyday, because if that were the case, I probably wouldn't have much going on and would just be bitching about how poor and bored I was! Well I'm happy to report I'm only one of those things!

Just spent a wonderful weekend in Vegas. My cousin Tom Smith and his buddy Will are both getting married at the end of September, and I'm happy to report not to each other ;-) So we packed a house with 18 guys and had a great weekend. No picturess to post, not that they'd be appropriate for the web even if I had them...haha.

Happy to tell you things are going very well at Hit The Ground Running, we're finishing some summer projects and gearing up to go full tilt this winter with (what it looks like right now) SIX television shows we'll be working on! Add to it that this has been a great summer for movies and I'm pretty damn happy with my place in the working world!

Would love to hear from all of you!! Hit me up and let me know what's good in your world!!

L.A. PIC #2
So at this point I'm sure you're all wondering what that picture at the top of the posting is.
Explanation: I didn't bring my digital camera with me to Vegas, so this picture from my phone is all I came back with. It's a picture of one of the doors in the bathroom stall at a casino. I definitely had a few drinks in me, but I think this definitely looks like a face...a thug of sorts...someone wearing a ski mask, maybe robbing a liquor store...facing to our left...you see it yet?....ok, maybe I shoulda just brought a camera and came back with something better than a picture of three holes in a bathroom stall :)